Call for Speakers for our 2024 Summit. Submission closes March 15, 2024. To submit your application CLICK HERE



Thank you

Our amazing donors

You can join alongside us as we continue to improve the lives of injured officers and their family members with your generous contributions. 

Remembering our brave officers, their families, and LEO spouses who have faced injury or loss. Share a photo and a message with your donation to pay tribute to these remarkable individuals.

In Honor of Luke Hoffman, 16 years still feels like yesterday! We still miss you and will never forget!
We are all so proud of you Kyle.
May 16, 1982 ~ Oct 31, 2023
La da, la da, la
It is an honor and privilege to support the Wounded Blue. The men and women of law enforcement that put their lives on the line everyday are to be admired for their dedication and courage. And for the men and women of the Blue Line that have made the ultimate sacrifice of their bodies or their very lives upon the altar of freedom for our sake, no amount of gratitude will ever be enough.
- Lt. Joseph Pangaro, CEO Pangaro Training

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