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Awards Program

Awards Program

Sergeant Robert “Bob” Bemis Receiving the Order of The Blue Heart Award – 2024

We believe that law enforcement officers often go above and beyond in their duties during emergencies but don’t always receive the public appreciation or acknowledgement that their actions warrant.  In some cases, command decisions or agency policy may unfortunately exclude officers from award eligibility.  The Wounded Blue Awards Program seeks to provide recognition to individuals who distinguish themselves while protecting their community.
The Order of the Blue Heart is earned at a very high cost.  It is presented to qualifying law enforcement officers who are injured in the line-of-duty but may or may not have been eligible for recognition by their own agency.  Below are the criteria for receiving a Blue Heart Award for being wounded in the line of duty (or for having it presented to a surviving spouse or family member in the event of death).

• A police officer, sheriff’s deputy, agent, or member of another a law enforcement agency
• On duty at the time of the injury, or if off-duty, injured while responding to a police situation
• Acting under legal authority
• Injured due to the actions of others rather than own negligence

Note:  A wound is defined as a severe or disabling injury to any part of the body from an outside force or agent. The wound must require treatment by a medical professional. Examples of such injuries include, but are not limited to:

• physical assault – gunshot wounds – stab wounds
• motor vehicle crash car wreck or other accidental cause – falls
• broken bones, muscle injuries or other wounds
• concussion or other internal head trauma
• illness attributed to accidental exposure to dangerous chemicals, opioids, bodily fluids, infectious diseases, fumes, and hazardous building materials

The Citizen’s Award for Valor is presented to an individual who has demonstrated selfless courage while acting in physical defense of a law enforcement officer who is in danger of injury while in the performance of his or her duty.

The Award for Leadership is presented to a law enforcement leader who has demonstrated compassion and concern for the welfare of injured and disabled officers in their department, community and nationwide.
To nominate an individual for an award, please complete the form below:

Award Nominations Form

Do you have someone who deserves to receive an Award?

Please fill out the nomination form and we will get back with you soon.

Past Award Recipients

Order of the Blue Heart

Sgt. Bob Bemis
Pennsylvania State Police 
Sgt. Kevin Brugaletta
San Francisco (CA) Police                              
Detective Kim Frankel
Washoe County (NV) Sheriff’s Office                            
Officer Mike Jarmin
Bay City (TX) Police
Sgt. John Mattingly
Louisville (KY) Police                                        


Officer Phil Roselle
Norwalk (CT) Police

Joe Fuller

Award for Leadership

Sheriff David Duke
Wichita County (TX) Sheriff

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